Sunday, January 4, 2015

Flash Fiction Friday #4! (...sort of)

I know I'm pretty late to the party, but I'm hoping I'm fashionably late ;)
So, I don't have a piece for the Friday before last (that prompt is giving me a hard time for some reason). However, I do have something for this past Friday! Better late than never, right? :)

Anyhoo, this was the prompt: 

And this is my piece: 

Cassie scanned the shelves, admiring the rows of multicolored jars and bottles. The smaller ones contained just one serving of food or drink; the bigger the jar the bigger the serving size.
She selected a small blue jar and took a cautious sip. As the liquid rushed over her tongue she tasted everything at once - a blueberry muffin, burnt buttered toast, and hazelnut coffee. As usual, it was overwhelming at first, but after a moment all the different tastes blended together deliciously.
If she ever made it back to Earth this was one of the things she'd miss about Blythe.

Follow the links below to read the other responses:


  1. So cool! I really like the name of the place and the fact that they have liquid meals in jars. XD

  2. Very cool concept! I kind of really appreciate the fact that the toast was burnt. I'm really having fun getting to know this alien world!

  3. What a cool concept! I'm curious if the aliens use these, or they made them specifically for the humans. Also, I'm glad she found her coffee :D

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